The basic object in Spada is a dataset. A dataset is an object of the data.frame class. Internally, for speed and programmability purposes, Spada uses the data.table class from the data.table package.
So, Spada demands at least one dataset. If none is provided in the funcion call then Iris and Mtcars, from datasets package, are used as sample data.
For multiples datasets as input:
spada(iris, mtcars, cars)
If the user desires to give names to datasets, then the Spada function should be called like this:
spada('dataset' = iris, 'test_data' = mtcars)
Spada will make valid and unique names with make.names function. So:
spada('dataset 1' = iris, 'test data' = mtcars, 'dataset 1' = cars)
Will result in names: dataset.1, and dataset.1.1.
If the user inform at least one name, Spada will assume that the datasets should receive a name (instead the name of the original object) and will create valid and unique names using dataset_n, being n a sequencial number:
spada('dataset 1' = iris, mtcars, cars)
Will result in names: dataset.1, dataset_2 and dataset_3.